Your Say Yankalilla - What's it about

We know you have ideas about places, communities and key issues on the Fleurieu Coast and we want to hear from you. This site is a space where you can gather information, contribute your ideas and feedback and have your say on a variety of topics.
We recognise that face-to-face engagement isn't always possible. That's why we have made this website - to make it easier for you to contribute to our engagement programs. If you prefer to engage with Council using traditional methods, you can do that too.
To participate, simply REGISTER, then go to the initiatives that tweak your interest and start engaging! Your feedback will help inform the decisions made by Council.
We hope you enjoy engaging with us through this site and take this opportunity to help shape the region's future.
Ask us a question or make a suggestion
We're listening and we want your feedback on local issues.
Here you can make suggestions to Council and ask questions about any council related matter.
We will answer all questions, feedback and suggestions within our capacity and provide a response within five working days, if the matter is urgent please call Council's Customer Service Team on (08) 8558 0200.
Thank you for taking the time to submit your thoughts to us.