2023-24 Draft Annual Business Plan & Budget

What is an Annual Business Plan & Budget?
The 2023-24 Draft Annual Business Plan & Budget outlines the changes to the rates and budget for the coming financial year as well as what we intend to deliver to the community.
Every year the District Council of Yankalilla reviews what we said we were going to deliver in the Strategic Plan 2020-30 Vision and the Long-Term Financial Plan and publishes that information to the community in an Annual Business Plan.
We are presented this plan in draft form, and received community feedback in between 27 April and 23 May of this year. We wanted to hear from the community and encouraged the sharing of opinions and ideas with us. This feedback will play a critical role in shaping the final version of the plan. The final adopted budget will be modified and enhanced based on community feedback.
What you need to know:
The 2023-24 financial year represents the final year of the Strategic Plan 2023 Vision Four Year Focus. This year our focus will be on delivering the key services that our community expects, maintaining and upgrading existing infrastructure and reducing debt.
After a period of large capital investment, Administration took a clean slate approach and built the budget from the ground up. Getting back to basics and understanding what a ‘business-as-usual’ budget looks like was identified early as a necessary step to ensuring Council’s financial sustainability.
Rates will need to be managed carefully to limit further affordability risk for our community. The economic environment, with CPI forecast for the nation at 6.7% at June 2023, has presented a number of challenges in preparing an appropriate budget. We have worked hard to limit the flow on effect to the community and to constrain the extent of further rate increases.
The minimum rate is proposed to increase to $1,021. On average, the cost of Rates for an existing ratepayer is proposed to increase by 7.4% or $114 per year which equates to an additional $2.20 per week.
What will we do with your feedback?
Council will consider the feedback given by the community at an Elected Member Forum in June 2023 before the adoption of the final 2023-24 Annual Business Plan & Budget on Tuesday, 27 June 2023 at a Special Council Meeting.
We will post our final 2023-24 Annual Business Plan & Budget on the District Council of Yankalilla website in July 2023.
Any questions?
Please email consultation@yankalilla.sa.gov.au