Brown Road (Residential) Development Plan Amendment
Consultation has concluded

This Development Plan Amendment process commenced at the end of 2013 and continued through 2014 where the draft DPA (documenting the investigations) underwent public consultation. It is now in the final process where Council has made amendments to the proposed area of land proposed to be rezoned and included additional planning policies in response to considering the public consultation outcomes and advice from its professional staff.
The amended DPA has been forwarded to the Minister for Planning for review and to seek its authorisation to update the Yankalilla Development Plan.
Council initiated planning investigations into the possible re-zoning of aContinue reading
This Development Plan Amendment process commenced at the end of 2013 and continued through 2014 where the draft DPA (documenting the investigations) underwent public consultation. It is now in the final process where Council has made amendments to the proposed area of land proposed to be rezoned and included additional planning policies in response to considering the public consultation outcomes and advice from its professional staff.
The amended DPA has been forwarded to the Minister for Planning for review and to seek its authorisation to update the Yankalilla Development Plan.
Council initiated planning investigations into the possible re-zoning of a small portion of privately owned land (adjoining the existing residential area of Carrickalinga) at Brown Road, from Primary Industry zoning to Residential zoning. The owner of this land funded this work with strict limitations to give control over the process to Council.
The land in question is part of a future Growth Area for Carrickalinga identified within the District 30 Year Plan (adopted in 2009). The area of land affected by the DPA is approximately 2 Hectares (being portion of the 6.5 Hectare Growth Area) and could possibly accommodate up to 18 new residential allotments, as a small extension of the residential area.
Brown Road (Residential) DPA - authorised
Share Brown Road (Residential) DPA - authorised on Facebook Share Brown Road (Residential) DPA - authorised on Twitter Share Brown Road (Residential) DPA - authorised on Linkedin Email Brown Road (Residential) DPA - authorised linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.The Minister for Planning authorised the Brown Road (Residential) DPA within the Government Gazette dated 26 November 2015.
Council's Development Plan has now been updated to include the re-zoning of the small area of land located at the northern end of Brown Road, Carrickalinga to part of the Residential Zone.
After considering the public submissions, Council amended the DPA as follows:
- The area of land to be re-zoned was reduced by approximately 0.5 hectare by removing steep land on the western (coastal) end of the site.
- The upper boundary of the re-zoned land was re-located further down the hillside to the 60 metre contour
- Specific planning policies were introduced to limit the overall height of new buildings to a maximum height of 8 metres and to a maximum overall height not to exceed the 62 metre contour
- Minimum allotment sizes and wider frontage requirements were introduced where on-site effluent disposal is used.
Once approved, all public infrastructure (roads, drainage etc) must be completed to the required standards and then development applications will need to be indivually lodged for any future dwellings and associated outbuildings etc.
Will I receive notification about the land division or any of the future new dwellings?
Share Will I receive notification about the land division or any of the future new dwellings? on Facebook Share Will I receive notification about the land division or any of the future new dwellings? on Twitter Share Will I receive notification about the land division or any of the future new dwellings? on Linkedin Email Will I receive notification about the land division or any of the future new dwellings? linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Within most local Development Plans within South Australia, land division development that is consistent with the objectives of the relevant zoning are not the subject of public notification. This is the case with the Yankalilla Development Plan, so any future land division application(s) to create residential allotments will not be the subject of further public notification.
Within the Residential Zone, new dwellings are a land use consistent with the primary objectives for the zone and because of this, are also not the subject of public notification. In this Policy Area of the zone, dwellings that exceed 8 metres or the 62 metre contour height will be non-complying forms of development and (if proposed) will be the subject of public notification as prescribed by the legislation.
Why are we undertaking the DPA?
Share Why are we undertaking the DPA? on Facebook Share Why are we undertaking the DPA? on Twitter Share Why are we undertaking the DPA? on Linkedin Email Why are we undertaking the DPA? linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Council adopted Stage 1 of the District - 30 Year Plan in 2009 which outlined a vision to accommodate the needs of our growing population in a manner that could best deliver on our environmental and community values and respect the character of our largest townships, Yankalilla, Normanville and Carrickalinga. This work was undertaken together with the community and a number of discreet township growth areas were identified to accommodate our projected natural population growth. The Plan also recognised the need to plan for business growth within our Town Centres to support the population and identified the sensitive environmental issues associated with the coast, waterways and native vegetation in areas adjacent to the towns. A number of discreet future Growth Areas were identified as staged extensions to these townships over the next 30 years. A Development Plan Amendment (DPA) process is the means to deliver this vision for the future. -
The proposed DPA
Share The proposed DPA on Facebook Share The proposed DPA on Twitter Share The proposed DPA on Linkedin Email The proposed DPA linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.The owner of the land where the DPA is proposed, requested that Council consider undertaking the process and also proposed to fund the required planning investigations. The DPA (as placed on consultation) proposes the rezoning of a portion of 202 Brown Road, Carrickalinga (approximately 1.8 to 2 hectares in area) from Primary Industry to Residential zoning. This area of land adjoins the rear boundaries of residential properties along the northern edge of Carrickalinga at the end of Brown Road. If re-zoned, approximately 18 residential allotments could be created. A map of the proposed DPA area can be viewed on this site. -
Public Consultation Outcomes
Share Public Consultation Outcomes on Facebook Share Public Consultation Outcomes on Twitter Share Public Consultation Outcomes on Linkedin Email Public Consultation Outcomes linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Public consultation was undertaken in accordance with legislative requirements and closed in July 2014. A Public meeting was also held to hear verbal submissions in July 2014. A total of 45 written submissions have been received. A copy of a summary of the submissions and suggested policy responses can be found in the Document Library on this site. The issue of the visual impact of future residential development within this portion of the backdrop to Carrickalinga was a dominant issue of concern for many respondents and an independent Visual and Landscape Assessment report was prepared by Wax Design, Landscape Architects. A copy of this report can be found and downloaded from the Document Library. -
Getting to the final detail of the Development Plan Amendment
Share Getting to the final detail of the Development Plan Amendment on Facebook Share Getting to the final detail of the Development Plan Amendment on Twitter Share Getting to the final detail of the Development Plan Amendment on Linkedin Email Getting to the final detail of the Development Plan Amendment linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.A number of amendments to the consultation version of the DPA have been recommended as a result of considering the public responses and the Visual Impact reports as follows:It is proposed that:- the DPA area be reduced by approximately 0.5 hectares by removing steep land at the western end of the site. (a response to reduce the visual impact and avoid excessive cut and fill in future development).
- the upper boundary of DPA area should be lowered to the 60 metre contour of the hillside. (a response to ensure consistency with the intent of the District 30 Year Plan).
- the minimum allotment size should be increased from 1000 sq metres to 1500 sq metres and incorporate wider frontages (minimum 22 metres) where on-site effluent disposal is used. (a response to provide flexibility for effluent disposal). Finally,
- building height should be limited to 8 metres and a maximum of 62 metres Australian Height Datum. (a response to ensure that buildings will sit below the ridgeline of the hillside – when viewed from viewpoints away from immediately adjoining land).
The final DPA document
Share The final DPA document on Facebook Share The final DPA document on Twitter Share The final DPA document on Linkedin Email The final DPA document linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.In March 2015, Council considered all of the issues raised by Council's administration and the responses received during the public consultation process in relation to the DPA.Improvements have been made to the final version of the DPA by incorporating all of the recommended amendments.The total area of land to be rezoned to become part of the Residential Zone has been reduced by 0.5 hectare and the upper boundary has been restricted to the 60 metre contour.In addition, new dwellings within this part of the Residential zone are to be height limited to 8 metres (instead of the usual 9 metre limit for land such as this) and new dwellings will be limited to a total height within the hillside of 62 metres. Allotments where there is on-site waste disposal (septic tanks etc) will need to be a minimum of 1500 sq metres in area (up from the current standard of 1,000 sq metresAll of these changes have been made to help limit the visual impact of future residential development for people viewing towards this locality from elsewhere in Carrickalinga. For neighbours who adjoin the land, these measures will only assist to a smaller degree due to their closer proximity, however most if not all adjoining dwellings have their main orientation towards views of the coastline and back onto this land.The final DPA has now been adopted by Council and forwarded to the Minister for Planning seeking the authorisation of the proposed rezoning and new planning policies.More news will be posted as the DPA proceeds through the process. -
Authorisation of the DPA
Share Authorisation of the DPA on Facebook Share Authorisation of the DPA on Twitter Share Authorisation of the DPA on Linkedin Email Authorisation of the DPA linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.We will update this site once news has been received back from the Minister for Planning.
Document Library
Brown Road (Residential) DPA - for consultation (2.32 MB) (pdf)
Summary of Public Submissions (450 KB) (pdf)
Landscape Character & Visual Assessment - Wax Design Landscape Architects (4.08 MB) (pdf)
The final DPA (722 KB) (pdf)
Landscape Character and Visual Assessment - Oxigen, Landscape Architecture, Urban Design & Planning (6.83 MB) (pdf)
Key Dates
18 July 2013
05 May 2014
20 January 2015
03 February 2015
03 March 2015
17 March 2015
23 April 2015