- Maintenance of existing uninterrupted natural water flows to the two properties;
- Boundary security in terms of preventing public trespass and overlooking;
- Boundary security in terms of containing stock; and
- Environmental degradation of the surrounding area.
- Via the survey below
- Email feeback to consultation@yankalilla.sa.gov.au(External link)
- Write a letter to The District Council of Yankalilla, PO Box 9 Yankalilla SA 5203
Why do we need a CLMP?
Council owned land that is classified as community land and has been modified for the benefit of the community requires a management plan which will act to protect the community land for current and future generations by providing the Council with guidance for its current and future use.
All local government land (except roads) that is owned by a Council or under a Council’s care, control and management is Community Land under the Local Government Act 1999 unless it has been exempted through legislation, excluded by resolution of Council or the classification has been revoked.
In accordance with Section 196 of the Local Government Act 1999, Council must adopt a Community Land Management Plan (CLMP) following the creation of a new property. A CLMP is a document prepared in consultation with the community, it identifies the Community Land, the purpose for which it is held and provides direction for the use of each Community Land parcel.
Have the adjoining owners been consulted on the CLMP?
As part of the road closure and creation of the new reserve it was acknowledged by Council that the adjacent owners should be consulted with prior to commencing public consultation as part of the adoption of a Community Land Management Plan.
The consultation with the adjacent owners included a submission from them which is included in Attachment B in the Council Report and, site visits by administration and Elected Members which allowed the owners to clearly show their concerns with any proposals that may open up the reserve to the public.
The submission included four main concerns:
Why can't the springs be open for ''enjoyment of the community''?
The proposed Community Land Management Plan outlines the purpose the land is being held for is the ongoing protection and monitoring of the freshwater springs.
The springs are part of a very sensitive environment and it is not possible to open-up the lower part of the reserve to allow visitors. Such a proposal would negatively impact on the springs themselves as well as the privacy and security of the adjacent owners.
For example, the water flow from the springs is not predictable and does not follow a contained path. The water flows across the reserve to the neighbouring properties making the land waterlogged and unable to support a path at ground level or fencing which will not negatively impact on the water flows themselves. If a raised path was installed, this would impact on the privacy and create security concerns for each of the adjacent owners. Fencing would then need to be installed which would impede the water flow. It is preferred that the water from the springs be allowed to flow unimpeded as much as possible.
How can I provide feedback?