Dark Sky Lighting Policy - Carrickalinga
Consultation has concluded

The Carrickalinga Ratepayers Association are progressing an application for Carrickalinga to become Australia’s first Dark Sky Community.
In order to progress the application, it requires Council to adopt a Dark Sky Lighting Policy.
The Carrickalinga Ratepayers Association and Council are working together, and we invite you to watch the video of Professor Chris Daniels explaining the initiative, read the FAQ's, view the draft Dark Sky Lighting Policy and provide your feedback via on survey.
The “Made by Nature” Fleurieu Coast community of Carrickalinga has only 38 streetlights. The upgrade of these lights can be achieved for little cost and effort and the Carrickalinga Ratepayers Association who are driving this proposal and will be responsible for all activities required to receive a Dark Skies Communities Accreditation, including the cost of light shields, and working with Council on the development of a Dark Sky Lighting Policy.
Carrickalinga could then become the first Dark Sky Community in Australia. With less than forty such ‘communities’ in the world at this stage, this would be a great accomplishment indeed.
This initiative of the Carrickalinga Rate Payers Association aims to reduce light pollution, improve human and environmental health, and save both money and energy while reducing greenhouse gas emissions, so residents and visitors alike can enjoy the night skies into the future. Stargazing brings joy and wonder to all of us in different ways and the starry skies of the Fleurieu Peninsula are precious.
The Draft Policy
The draft Dark Sky Lighting Policy is based on the requirements of the International Dark Sky Community Program Guidelines. This policy shall apply to the Designated Area of Carrickalinga Township who through the Carrickalinga
Ratepayers Association are actively seeking accreditation from the International Dark-Sky Association as a Dark Sky Community.
Council, under this Dark Sky Lighting policy aims to;
- Ensure that Council, other Government bodies and private landholders within an area designated understands how they can assist attaining, preserving, and promoting the Dark Sky Community concept.
- Ensure all new public lighting within an area designated meets the standards and requirements. • Retrofit existing outdoor public lighting within an area designated to ensure it meets the standards and requirements.
- Confirm that the costs for delivery of infrastructure works are to be borne by the groups requesting the Dark Sky infrastructure, noting that in this case, the Carrickalinga Residents Association have offered to bear these costs.
The Policy aims to minimise the light pollution and promote ‘Dark Sky friendly lighting’ by considering the following principles;
- Outdoor public lighting should only be installed when deemed necessary and should only be activated when needed,
- All outdoor lighting should be directed downwards so that light spill is avoided,
- Fittings should include light shields so that light it is directed downwards,
- The intensity of outdoor lighting should be appropriate for its intended use,
- Coordinated colour temperature (CCT) of lighting shall be less than 3000 K.
The Draft Dark Sky Lighting Policy does not seek to limit development or remove existing lighting, however it does outline a minimum standard to provide adequate lighting under current Australian standards while utilising Dark Sky Friendly principles.
Have Your Say
Council is seeking community feedback on the Draft Dark Sky Lighting Policy before the Council consider formally adopting the policy.
You can find out more by viewing the video of Professor Chris Daniels explaining the initiative, reading the FAQ's, reading the full policy, or reading the fact sheet.
We encourage you to share you feedback by completing the online survey, or send an email to consultation@yankalilla.sa.gov.au or write to the District Council of Yankalilla, PO Box 9, Yankalilla SA 5203.
This consultation opens Thursday 29 September and closes Sunday 13 November 2022.
The application to make Carrickalinga Australia’s First DarkSky Community is progressing with the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) at their headquarters in Colorado USA.
An answer on the application is expected soon.
The Carrickalinga Ratepayers Association (CRA) has met with South Australian Power Networks (SAPN) and Council to scope the lighting works and associated costs needed to meet both IDA guidelines and Australian Lighting Standards ordinance standards. The CRA is waiting on SAPN for the information before it can proceed.
Council will post further updates from CRA here - tag this page to stay informed.