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Consultation has concluded
Council has a general power to make By-Laws which are designed to provide good rule and governance and assist council in providing a convenient, safe and comfortable spaces for its community.
Council’s power to make a By-law is derived from Section 246 of the Local Government Act 1999 (SA) which requires the review and formal adoption of the By-laws. Council currently has 8 By-Laws.
It is a legislated requirement that Council reviews (and if necessary revises) its By-laws every seven years.
The By-laws have, therefore, been reviewed and some changes proposed. The vast majority of the proposed changes are minor in nature and a result of legislative, interpretive or grammatical factors. The outcome is the following six new By-laws are now available for public comment.
By-law 1: Permits and Penalties
By-law 2: Local Government Land;
By-law 3: Roads;
By-law 4: Moveable Signs; and
By-law 6: Foreshore.
The remaining two By-Laws have been referred to the Dog and Cat Management Board for comment at will be released for public comment in the near future. They are:
By-law 5: Dogs;
By-law 8: Cats (expires 1 Jan 2026).
In accordance with current SA legislation Council is providing the public with an opportunity to comment on the proposed six new By-laws.
Council has a general power to make By-Laws which are designed to provide good rule and governance and assist council in providing a convenient, safe and comfortable spaces for its community.
Council’s power to make a By-law is derived from Section 246 of the Local Government Act 1999 (SA) which requires the review and formal adoption of the By-laws. Council currently has 8 By-Laws.
It is a legislated requirement that Council reviews (and if necessary revises) its By-laws every seven years.
The By-laws have, therefore, been reviewed and some changes proposed. The vast majority of the proposed changes are minor in nature and a result of legislative, interpretive or grammatical factors. The outcome is the following six new By-laws are now available for public comment.
By-law 1: Permits and Penalties
By-law 2: Local Government Land;
By-law 3: Roads;
By-law 4: Moveable Signs; and
By-law 6: Foreshore.
The remaining two By-Laws have been referred to the Dog and Cat Management Board for comment at will be released for public comment in the near future. They are:
By-law 5: Dogs;
By-law 8: Cats (expires 1 Jan 2026).
In accordance with current SA legislation Council is providing the public with an opportunity to comment on the proposed six new By-laws.