Proposed Dog Park at Normanville

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The District Council of Yankalilla is considering a proposal from the Yankalilla Districts Dog Park Friends Committee to establish a dedicated dog park at the far eastern end of the Bungala Reserve in Normanville. The proposal includes leasing a portion of community land to the committee to enable them to build and manage the park. The dog park is intended to provide a safe and enjoyable space for dogs and their owners while contributing to community wellbeing.

Your feedback is important for informing the decisions made by council regarding the dog park proposal and helping to shape the park’s

The District Council of Yankalilla is considering a proposal from the Yankalilla Districts Dog Park Friends Committee to establish a dedicated dog park at the far eastern end of the Bungala Reserve in Normanville. The proposal includes leasing a portion of community land to the committee to enable them to build and manage the park. The dog park is intended to provide a safe and enjoyable space for dogs and their owners while contributing to community wellbeing.

Your feedback is important for informing the decisions made by council regarding the dog park proposal and helping to shape the park’s design, management model, and long-term sustainability. Please take a few moments to complete the survey and share your thoughts.

Ways to participate:

What will we do with your feedback?

Council staff will work with the Yankalilla Districts Dog Park Friends Committee to collate the feedback received from the community and present the results to Elected Members for consideration at the December Council meeting.

We will post the community engagement results along with the Council report and minutes from the meeting here on Your Say Yankalilla.

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  • Share Have you done a survey to the dog owners who live in your council area (council would have this info from registered dog owners) if they would use it? Lots of people have dogs, but choose not to go to dog parks? I know community consultation was done, my question is it it was done more specifically directed at your target audience and determined the, I guess conversion rate, of those people? Or the non-response rate etc? Furthermore, if this is a situation where the council will need to fund it to some degree (ongoing maintenance, building car parks, managing complaints), where will that $ come from? I am all for a dog park - I have a dog, but probably wouldn’t use it - however could be a lovely meeting spot, social outlet for people, a place to build human connection. on Facebook Share Have you done a survey to the dog owners who live in your council area (council would have this info from registered dog owners) if they would use it? Lots of people have dogs, but choose not to go to dog parks? I know community consultation was done, my question is it it was done more specifically directed at your target audience and determined the, I guess conversion rate, of those people? Or the non-response rate etc? Furthermore, if this is a situation where the council will need to fund it to some degree (ongoing maintenance, building car parks, managing complaints), where will that $ come from? I am all for a dog park - I have a dog, but probably wouldn’t use it - however could be a lovely meeting spot, social outlet for people, a place to build human connection. on Twitter Share Have you done a survey to the dog owners who live in your council area (council would have this info from registered dog owners) if they would use it? Lots of people have dogs, but choose not to go to dog parks? I know community consultation was done, my question is it it was done more specifically directed at your target audience and determined the, I guess conversion rate, of those people? Or the non-response rate etc? Furthermore, if this is a situation where the council will need to fund it to some degree (ongoing maintenance, building car parks, managing complaints), where will that $ come from? I am all for a dog park - I have a dog, but probably wouldn’t use it - however could be a lovely meeting spot, social outlet for people, a place to build human connection. on Linkedin Email Have you done a survey to the dog owners who live in your council area (council would have this info from registered dog owners) if they would use it? Lots of people have dogs, but choose not to go to dog parks? I know community consultation was done, my question is it it was done more specifically directed at your target audience and determined the, I guess conversion rate, of those people? Or the non-response rate etc? Furthermore, if this is a situation where the council will need to fund it to some degree (ongoing maintenance, building car parks, managing complaints), where will that $ come from? I am all for a dog park - I have a dog, but probably wouldn’t use it - however could be a lovely meeting spot, social outlet for people, a place to build human connection. link

    Have you done a survey to the dog owners who live in your council area (council would have this info from registered dog owners) if they would use it? Lots of people have dogs, but choose not to go to dog parks? I know community consultation was done, my question is it it was done more specifically directed at your target audience and determined the, I guess conversion rate, of those people? Or the non-response rate etc? Furthermore, if this is a situation where the council will need to fund it to some degree (ongoing maintenance, building car parks, managing complaints), where will that $ come from? I am all for a dog park - I have a dog, but probably wouldn’t use it - however could be a lovely meeting spot, social outlet for people, a place to build human connection.

    AHW asked 4 months ago

    Hi AHW, 

    This consultation piece is the first consultation method of gaining the communities perspectives of the dog park, This is a more inclusive method as restricting the study to only dog owners could potentially skew any results, it would also not allow non dog owners who may have an interest from expressing their views. There have not been direct surveys of individual dog owners undertaken, however your feedback on requesting a survey of dog owners in the district will be presented. As after having undertaken a wider community consultation, obtaining specific data as you have specified could be of value.

    If the dog park turns into a specific council funded project, the request for additional project funding would generally form part of the annual business plan which is consulted on every year. The overall cost would then be dependent on the design and inclusions in the dog park.

  • Share Will having a dog park influence future decisions about dogs on beaches in this council area? For example will dogs be banned from beaches or off lead areas removed because dog owners now have a dog park? Around 10 years ago the council at the time tried to stop dogs being allowed on beaches. Some of us will not use a designated dog park due to previous bad experiences so need assurance that dogs on beaches won't change. on Facebook Share Will having a dog park influence future decisions about dogs on beaches in this council area? For example will dogs be banned from beaches or off lead areas removed because dog owners now have a dog park? Around 10 years ago the council at the time tried to stop dogs being allowed on beaches. Some of us will not use a designated dog park due to previous bad experiences so need assurance that dogs on beaches won't change. on Twitter Share Will having a dog park influence future decisions about dogs on beaches in this council area? For example will dogs be banned from beaches or off lead areas removed because dog owners now have a dog park? Around 10 years ago the council at the time tried to stop dogs being allowed on beaches. Some of us will not use a designated dog park due to previous bad experiences so need assurance that dogs on beaches won't change. on Linkedin Email Will having a dog park influence future decisions about dogs on beaches in this council area? For example will dogs be banned from beaches or off lead areas removed because dog owners now have a dog park? Around 10 years ago the council at the time tried to stop dogs being allowed on beaches. Some of us will not use a designated dog park due to previous bad experiences so need assurance that dogs on beaches won't change. link

    Will having a dog park influence future decisions about dogs on beaches in this council area? For example will dogs be banned from beaches or off lead areas removed because dog owners now have a dog park? Around 10 years ago the council at the time tried to stop dogs being allowed on beaches. Some of us will not use a designated dog park due to previous bad experiences so need assurance that dogs on beaches won't change.

    LynnW asked 4 months ago

    Hi LynnW,

    The dog controls on beaches are a decision for Council and is separate body of work from the dog park. Council will be looking at its dog controls in the coming months as part of the by-laws update process. There will be a separate consultation process run to gain an understanding of the community's view on the current dog controls and any changes the community would like to see, which would then form part of a report to Council to make a decision on how to move forward. 

    The dog park is a community driven initiative to investigate the communities desire for a dog park.

    Having said that there are many metro councils that have both beach access for dog and dog park.


  • Share What are the legislative requirements for a dog park eg construction design, construction materials, mobility access, access to toilet facilities? Who will water, mow, keep tidy, attend to maintenance, follow up complaints? on Facebook Share What are the legislative requirements for a dog park eg construction design, construction materials, mobility access, access to toilet facilities? Who will water, mow, keep tidy, attend to maintenance, follow up complaints? on Twitter Share What are the legislative requirements for a dog park eg construction design, construction materials, mobility access, access to toilet facilities? Who will water, mow, keep tidy, attend to maintenance, follow up complaints? on Linkedin Email What are the legislative requirements for a dog park eg construction design, construction materials, mobility access, access to toilet facilities? Who will water, mow, keep tidy, attend to maintenance, follow up complaints? link

    What are the legislative requirements for a dog park eg construction design, construction materials, mobility access, access to toilet facilities? Who will water, mow, keep tidy, attend to maintenance, follow up complaints?

    GRR asked 4 months ago

    The ongoing maintenance arrangements for the dog park is something that would need to be worked through. It could be a community group that undertake the maintenance, or it could be Council who maintains the park. It would also depend on the materials utilised in the park, for example if irrigated grass is required the water would likely be a cost to Council. 

    In terms of complaints, for dog attacks Council is delegated under the Dog and Cat Management Act to investigate incidents relating to Dogs, in terms of maintenance and complaints about the park itself, this would need to be something that is worked through dependant on who is responsible for the upkeep, most likely Council would be the primary contact given the park would be located on Council land.

    In terms of requirements, it would be dependent on the infrastructure within and associated with the dog park.  Any of the structures would need to comply with relevant legislation, Australian Standards and or planning approval. for example pathways would need to be Disability Inclusion Act 2018 to provide safe access. There are also a guideline developed by the Dog and Cat Management Board which provides guidance on the design of dog park. This can be found at the following link: UnleashedDogParks-B.pdf 

  • Share Will there be adequate parking at this location, without posing a danger to traffic coming from Yankalilla? Will the entire area be safely fenced? on Facebook Share Will there be adequate parking at this location, without posing a danger to traffic coming from Yankalilla? Will the entire area be safely fenced? on Twitter Share Will there be adequate parking at this location, without posing a danger to traffic coming from Yankalilla? Will the entire area be safely fenced? on Linkedin Email Will there be adequate parking at this location, without posing a danger to traffic coming from Yankalilla? Will the entire area be safely fenced? link

    Will there be adequate parking at this location, without posing a danger to traffic coming from Yankalilla? Will the entire area be safely fenced?

    KieBo asked 5 months ago

    There is some Parking within the Bungala Park area however more may be required in closer to the proposed location, This would need to be considered within the design. The proposed dog park would be enclosed by a fence

  • Share Why don’t we have one..?.. on Facebook Share Why don’t we have one..?.. on Twitter Share Why don’t we have one..?.. on Linkedin Email Why don’t we have one..?.. link

    Why don’t we have one..?..

    vcfrayne asked 5 months ago

    There have been, in previous years, projects to investigate a dog park has been put forward as part of the annual business planning as well as previous consultation undertaken on the community desire for a dog park. To date these projects have not progressed beyond initial investigation. 

  • Share I would like to know if anyone has conducted any information on the noise level of the dog's barking at the park, I know when the meat works was operating the noise from the yards carried a long way. We have all come across barking dog's in our lives but for the people that live near by might be annoying with lot's of dog's. Fair question. on Facebook Share I would like to know if anyone has conducted any information on the noise level of the dog's barking at the park, I know when the meat works was operating the noise from the yards carried a long way. We have all come across barking dog's in our lives but for the people that live near by might be annoying with lot's of dog's. Fair question. on Twitter Share I would like to know if anyone has conducted any information on the noise level of the dog's barking at the park, I know when the meat works was operating the noise from the yards carried a long way. We have all come across barking dog's in our lives but for the people that live near by might be annoying with lot's of dog's. Fair question. on Linkedin Email I would like to know if anyone has conducted any information on the noise level of the dog's barking at the park, I know when the meat works was operating the noise from the yards carried a long way. We have all come across barking dog's in our lives but for the people that live near by might be annoying with lot's of dog's. Fair question. link

    I would like to know if anyone has conducted any information on the noise level of the dog's barking at the park, I know when the meat works was operating the noise from the yards carried a long way. We have all come across barking dog's in our lives but for the people that live near by might be annoying with lot's of dog's. Fair question.

    Gary Thorpe asked 5 months ago

    Hi Gary, 

    At this stage no noise impact assessments have been undertaken, this could be something considered within the process. 

  • Share What are the upfront establishment and ongoing operational costs to council and residence should this dog park go ahead on Facebook Share What are the upfront establishment and ongoing operational costs to council and residence should this dog park go ahead on Twitter Share What are the upfront establishment and ongoing operational costs to council and residence should this dog park go ahead on Linkedin Email What are the upfront establishment and ongoing operational costs to council and residence should this dog park go ahead link

    What are the upfront establishment and ongoing operational costs to council and residence should this dog park go ahead

    jgourzis asked 5 months ago

    A full understanding of costs is unknown at this stage. The survey is to gain an understanding on whether the community would like to see a dog park, what they would like to see within the dog park and if the community would be open to a lease arrangement to a community group to run the dog park. These different factors would result in different cost outcomes. However, it would be reasonable to expect that should Council be responsible for the maintenance of the dog park there would be an increase in resources needed to achieve this, this may be in the way of additional resources or a reduction of resources in another area. 

  • Share You survey is in pdf, how is that anonymous?? Make a survey monkey. on Facebook Share You survey is in pdf, how is that anonymous?? Make a survey monkey. on Twitter Share You survey is in pdf, how is that anonymous?? Make a survey monkey. on Linkedin Email You survey is in pdf, how is that anonymous?? Make a survey monkey. link

    You survey is in pdf, how is that anonymous?? Make a survey monkey.

    cmroper asked 5 months ago

    Hi cmroper,

    You can complete the survey right here on Your Say Yankalilla, click here.

    The PDF version of the survey document is also supplied for those who would like to use it.

Page last updated: 28 Nov 2024, 08:31 PM