Township Entry Signage
Consultation has concluded
The District Council of Yankalilla is embarking on a project to develop, design and install, with community input, a series of signs which reflect the place brand developed earlier this year, as well as the individual characters of each of our townships.
Council has selected 6 towns to participate in this process this financial year.
- Myponga
- Inman Valley
- Yankalilla
- Normanville (Williss Drive)
- Parawa
- Second Valley (community project already underway)
The first step in this exciting project is to ask you – our residents – what you like about yourContinue reading
The District Council of Yankalilla is embarking on a project to develop, design and install, with community input, a series of signs which reflect the place brand developed earlier this year, as well as the individual characters of each of our townships.
Council has selected 6 towns to participate in this process this financial year.
- Myponga
- Inman Valley
- Yankalilla
- Normanville (Williss Drive)
- Parawa
- Second Valley (community project already underway)
The first step in this exciting project is to ask you – our residents – what you like about your town. This survey is designed as a pre-cursor to the public consultation process by identifying the key attributes that you associate with your particular town (not the overall district) and provide an opportunity to share ideas about what you'd like as your town entry statement.
We will be holding a series of community meetings to further develop your ideas so have a look to the right of this screen to find your town's meeting.
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
The District Council of Yankalilla is embarking on a project to produce and place township entrance signage to each of the towns within the council boundaries. A series of public meetings is being planned to enable community consultation to occur. This survey is designed to inform the public consultation process by identifying the key attributes that people associate with their particular town (not the overall district).
Share Myponga Signage Survey on Facebook Share Myponga Signage Survey on Twitter Share Myponga Signage Survey on Linkedin Email Myponga Signage Survey link -
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
The District Council of Yankalilla is embarking on a project to produce and place township entrance signage to each of the towns within the council boundaries. A series of public meetings is being planned to enable community consultation to occur. This survey is designed to inform the public consultation process by identifying the key attributes that people associate with their particular town (not the overall district).
Share Inman Valley Signage Survey on Facebook Share Inman Valley Signage Survey on Twitter Share Inman Valley Signage Survey on Linkedin Email Inman Valley Signage Survey link -
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
The District Council of Yankalilla is embarking on a project to produce and place township entrance signage to each of the towns within the council boundaries. A series of public meetings is being planned to enable community consultation to occur. This survey is designed to inform the public consultation process by identifying the key attributes that people associate with their particular town (not the overall district).
Share Normanville Signage Survey on Facebook Share Normanville Signage Survey on Twitter Share Normanville Signage Survey on Linkedin Email Normanville Signage Survey link -
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
The District Council of Yankalilla is embarking on a project to produce and place township entrance signage to each of the towns within the council boundaries. A series of public meetings is being planned to enable community consultation to occur. This survey is designed to inform the public consultation process by identifying the key attributes that people associate with their particular town (not the overall district).
Share Parawa Signage Survey on Facebook Share Parawa Signage Survey on Twitter Share Parawa Signage Survey on Linkedin Email Parawa Signage Survey link -
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
The District Council of Yankalilla is embarking on a project to produce and place township entrance signage to each of the towns within the council boundaries. A series of public meetings is being planned to enable community consultation to occur. This survey is designed to inform the public consultation process by identifying the key attributes that people associate with their particular town (not the overall district).
Share Yankalilla Signage Survey on Facebook Share Yankalilla Signage Survey on Twitter Share Yankalilla Signage Survey on Linkedin Email Yankalilla Signage Survey link
Community Meetings
22 July 2015
10 August 2015
05 August 2015
12 August 2015
19 August 2015
Life Cycle
Township Entry Signage has finished this stageThis consultation is Open for contributions.
Township Entry Signage has finished this stageThis consultation is Open for contributions.
Myponga Consultation Closes
Township Entry Signage is currently at this stage29th July 2015
Under Review
Township Entry Signage has finished this stageContributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review. The Project team will report back on key outcomes.
Yankalilla Consultation Closes
this is an upcoming stage for Township Entry Signage6th August 2015
Final report
this is an upcoming stage for Township Entry SignageThe final outcomes of the consultation are documented here. This may include a summary of all contributions collected as well as recommendations for future action.
Inman Valley Consultation Closes
this is an upcoming stage for Township Entry Signage10th August 2015
Nomanville Consultation Closes
this is an upcoming stage for Township Entry Signage13th August 2015
Parawa Consultation Closes
this is an upcoming stage for Township Entry Signage20th August 2015
Final Report
this is an upcoming stage for Township Entry SignageFinal outcomes of the consultation will be documented and will include a summary of contributions collected which will inform the signage design process.
The Project Team
Economic and Tourism Development Leader
ANPhone (08) 8558 0263 Email