March Update
The Normanville Foreshore and Jetty Caravan Park Masterplan is currently getting updated as resolved at the February 2021 Council Meeting and will be presented to the April 2021 meeting of Council.
The plan was originally scheduled to be presented to this the 16 March 2021 meeting of Council, but it was important to get the final product correct prior to consideration for adoption and this was unable to be achieved for the March meeting. It is recommended that the Masterplan now be presented to the April 2021 meeting of Council.
While the updated Masterplan will not be presented to the 16 March Council Meeting, other items on the Agenda that may be of interest are; item 14.9 Long Term Financial Plan 2021-2030 including Normanville Foreshore and Jetty Caravan Park Masterplan Risk Management Plan, Risk Matrix and Dependencies. And item 16.1 Normanville Foreshore and Jetty Caravan Park Masterplan Feedback – this report includes 12 new written submissions from community members and additional correspondence from 4 ratepayers whose original submissions were reported at the February 2021 meeting of Council.
Administration have applied for the Open Space and Places for People grant for the Plaza, Green Space, Nature Play and Beach interface elements of the Foreshore Masterplan along with an additional application for Jaitjakawengga Reserve at Second Valley.
The Stakeholder meeting to apply the Normanville Surf Lifesaving Club and Kiosk Statement of Requirements (as endorsed by Council at the February 2021 meeting) was held, 4 March 2021. The Architect will now proceed to provide a design for Council consideration.
I’ll provide further updates as this project progresses.
This consultation has concluded, you can view the Decision and Council Report and adopted Masterplan in the 'Outcome & Final Report' section on this page.