April Update
Elected Members at the 20 April Meeting of Council considered the report (17.1) Jetty Caravan Park Cabin Selection, in confidence, as the report and associated documentation contained commercial information of a confidential nature.
The Council Report and associated attachments only will remain confidential for a period of 12 months, therefore the resolutions below were made publicly available and will provide clear understanding of Council’s next steps in this project.
- That Council confirm that with the successful securing of $2,045,450 in grant funding from the State Government’s Local Government Infrastructure Partnership Program for improved visitor accommodation at the Council-owned Jetty Caravan Park Normanville, that they will be proceeding with the project to install 23 new cabins into the Jetty Caravan Park, Normanville.
- That following the Expression of Interest Process (now completed) performed by LGA Procurement that Council now proceeds to a formal tender process for the construction of 23 new cabins into the Jetty Caravan Park, Normanville.
- That the tender seeks designs of Cabins that are suitable for the Normanville Caravan Park environment and reflect the feedback received during the Normanville Foreshore and Jetty Caravan Park Masterplan consultation process.
- That Council confirm that the cabins will be a single storey form, some of which will be elevated.
- That interested suppliers be provided the Normanville SLSC and Kiosk Statement of Requirements as a guide to design principles that Council desire for the Normanville Foreshore.
- That interested suppliers be invited for a site tour of the Normanville Foreshore and Jetty Caravan Park to gain a greater understanding and appreciation of the area.
- That the suppliers that prepared submissions for the original Expression of Interest be notified of the new market approach and be provided the opportunity to resubmit with the new tender information.
- That during the tender process that Administration proceeds to ready the Caravan Park for installation, this will include designing the infrastructure requirements for Water, Sewerage and Electricity and appointing a Project Manager.
- That following the receipt of tender responses that they be workshopped, along with a site plan, with Elected Members for consideration prior to presenting a recommendation to Council of the supplier to enter into contract.
- That the look, feel, height and location of the cabins be considered by Council with the end result to be determined by Council resolution.
- That Council confirm that the profits generated from the cabins will be used for debt reduction and projects throughout the entire Council area, including those within the caravan park.
The Minutes from the 20 April Meeting of Council can be read in full here.
Work continues refining the Draft Normanville Foreshore & Jetty Caravan Park Masterplan as feedback from the community continues to come in, and as the architects work through elements in further detail like the Normanville Surf Life Saving Club & Kiosk building and how they connect to other elements in the plan. The Masterplan is likely to be presented at the June 2021 Meeting of Council.
This consultation has concluded, you can view the Decision and Council Report and adopted Masterplan in the 'Outcome & Final Report' section on this page.