Consultation Feedback Report
You are invited you to read the ‘DRAFT NORMANVILLE FORESHORE AND JETTY CARAVAN PARK MASTERPLAN - CONSULTATION FEEDBACK’ report that is on the Agenda to be considered by the Elected Members at the 16 February Meeting of Council. The report includes a lot of information, recommendations and has taken into consideration the feedback received, questions asked by the community and has copies of all the feedback received. The report can be downloaded here: (40,048KB)
If you wish to read the full February Council Meeting Agenda which includes the above report and a report on the Combined Normanville Surf Club/Kiosk Design Brief and more, it can be downloaded here: (60,019KB)
The full Agenda also includes the Zoom Meeting link if you wish to listen into the Council Meeting on Tuesday at 4pm.
This consultation has concluded, you can view the Decision and Council Report and adopted Masterplan in the 'Outcome & Final Report' section on this page.