What kind of Heritage is important?
Heritage can be many things. The following is a list of criteria that are considered for heritage listing.
Types of heritage listing
Local heritage
A place or object may be considered to have local heritage value if it meets one or more of the following criteria:
- displays historical, economic or social themes that are of importance to the local area
- represents customs or ways of life that are characteristic of the local area
- has played an important part in the lives of local residents
- displays aesthetic merit, design characteristics or construction techniques of significance to the local area
- is associated with a notable local personality or event
- is a notable landmark in the area
- is a tree of special historical or social significance or importance within the local area.
Local heritage places and objects are established through the Development Act. It may be that either state or local listing is appropriate. Local listing establishes a need to obtain approval to demolish a building that is of historic significance and recognised as such in the Development Plan. Otherwise, demolition approval for an unlisted building is automatic. While buildings are a small part of the range of heritage that can be recognised, it is important to try to retain places of cultural and historic significance and allow consideration of all options.
State heritage
A place, area or object may be considered to have state heritage value if it meets one of more of the following criteria:
- demonstrates important aspects of the evolution or pattern of the state's history
- has rare, uncommon or endangered qualities that are of cultural significance
- may yield information that will contribute to an understanding of the state's history, including its natural history
- is an outstanding representative of a particular class of places of cultural significance
- demonstrates a high degree of creative, aesthetic or technical accomplishment or is an outstanding representative of particular construction techniques or design characteristics
- has strong cultural or spiritual associations for the community or a group within it
- has a special association with the life or work of a person or organisation or an event of historical importance.
State heritage places, areas and objects are established through the Heritage Places Act.
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