Nature's Best, Let's Plan The Rest
Consultation has concluded.

Help plan the future of this region!
As your local Council, myself and my fellow Elected Members represent your needs, both now and in to the future.
Nature's Best, Let's Plan the Rest is possibly the most extensive community consultation that we've ever undertaken.
We want to hear from you to help us plan effectively for the future.
Imagine it's 2030 - 10 years from now. What would you like our district to be known for? What do you think will be the biggest worries for you, your family or your community in the next 10 years? If you were Mayor, what would you change to prepare our community for the future?
There are lots of ways you can get involved! You can attend community forums in townships across the district, join in online discussions, write to us, send us a Mayor for a Minute video, attend a 'What's the Future' community event and more!
What you tell us over the coming months will help us to prepare our Strategic Plan for 2020-2030. For further information about the process, check out the Frequently Asked Questions section.
We are really looking forward to you being involved.
Mayor Glen Rowlands
On behalf of the District Council of Yankalilla