DCY Strategic Community Plan

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Throughout 2024 we reached many in the community - over 900 people - as part of the Our DCY: Vision 2030 project. Now, we are seeking final input on the Draft Realigned DCY Strategic Community Plan: Vision 2030. This important document is open for comment until Thursday, 12 December 2024.

Our Strategic Community Plan is a long-term, high-level plan that was developed with the community in 2020 and looks towards the 2030 horizon. It identifies the main priorities and aspirations of our community for the future. In line with legislative requirements, the Plan must be reviewed every four years

Throughout 2024 we reached many in the community - over 900 people - as part of the Our DCY: Vision 2030 project. Now, we are seeking final input on the Draft Realigned DCY Strategic Community Plan: Vision 2030. This important document is open for comment until Thursday, 12 December 2024.

Our Strategic Community Plan is a long-term, high-level plan that was developed with the community in 2020 and looks towards the 2030 horizon. It identifies the main priorities and aspirations of our community for the future. In line with legislative requirements, the Plan must be reviewed every four years to ensure it remains relevant and responsive in changing circumstances.

The Our DCY: Vision 2030 Project has been a district-wide conversation that asked the community about the district’s next chapter – What do you most love? What do you wish were different? and What should we tackle over the next 5 years? – to realign the Strategic Community Plan and develop refreshed priorities that reflect current community needs and considers the challenges and opportunities we expect lie ahead. We bow embark on the final phase of this project and invite you to read the Draft Realigned DCY Strategic Community Plan: Vision 2030 and provide you feedback.

Ways to participate:

  • This survey aims to gauge the community's response to the Draft Realigned DCY Strategic Community Plan, capture public commentary on the document and gather some further insights to help us make any necessary refinements before the Final Plan is endorsed by Council.

    The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete.

    Take Survey
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Page last updated: 11 Dec 2024, 11:13 AM