Public Consultation on Council By-Laws
Consultation has concluded

The District Council of Yankalilla’s by-laws expire on 1 January 2017. In accordance with the Local Government Action 1999, Council has initiated a review process and is inviting public comment on the following draft by-laws:
· By-law No 1 Permits and Penalties – To provide for a permit system, to fix maximum penalties in Council by-laws, to clarify the construction of such by-laws, and to repeal certain by-laws.
· By-law No 2 Local Government Land - For the management and regulation of the use of and access to all land vested in or under the control of the Council including the prohibition and regulation of particular activities on local government land.
· By-law No 3 Roads - For the management of public roads.
· By-law No 4 Moveable Signs - To set standards for moveable signs on roads and other places, to provide conditions for and the placement of such signs, to protect public safety and to protect or enhance the amenity of the area of the Council.
· By-law No 5 Dogs - For the management and control of dogs within the Council’s area.
· By-law No 6 Nuisances Caused by Building Sites - To prevent and suppress certain kinds of nuisance caused by rubbish escaping from land on which building work is being undertaken.
· By-law No 7 Foreshore - For the management of local government land comprising the beach and foreshore under the control of the Council.
Copies of the draft by-laws are also available from the Council Offices, Monday to Friday 8:30am – 5.00pm.
Written comments on the draft by-laws are sought from the community and are to be received by Council no later than 5pm Friday 12 August 2016. You must supply your contact details, only your suburb will be included in any Council agenda. Written submissions can be sent:
· in person to the Civic Centre, 1 Charles Street, Yankalilla;
· by email;
· by post (PO Box 9, Yankalilla, SA 5203; or
· online via
Nigel Morris
Chief Executive