Public Consultation has closed on this matter
The closing date for submissions was Friday 29th January 2016.
We had 312 visitors to the on-line engagement page at Your Say Yankalilla for this matter, with 123 people accessing information and 29 who lodged comments. A further 14 submission have been received at the Council offices and in excess of 65 people attended the 3 Public Forums held throughout the district during January 2016.
Council will now consider the written and on-line submissions prior to debating a final decision on whether or not to alter the current method of rating.
There is an opportunity for people to attend a formal Public Meeting to verbally summarise their submission or make a verbal submission to the Councillors, to be held on Tuesday 16th February 2016 at the Council Chambers, 1 Charles Street Yankalilla, commencing at 6pm.
Consultation has concluded