Strategic Plan - Looking to the Horizon 2014-2018
Council has given consideration to the submissions received from the public consultation on the draft Strategic Plan that ended on 1st May 2015.
A total of 70 people accessed information by either logging on to
the “Your Say Yankalilla” consultation website or attending the two public
forums held at the Council Chambers and fifteen people contributed their views.
Many of the comments made were linked to other strategic documents such as the Annual Business Plan, Long Term Financial Plan, Asset Management Plan and Strategic Directions Report. The various processes associated with these documents will give additional opportunities for those ideas and suggestions to be considered at another time.
A number of key issues were raised and in response eleven amendments were made to the draft Plan to help finalise the Strategic Plan 2014-2018.
The final Plan was adopted by Council on 16 June 2015.
Consultation has concluded