Willson Drive, Martin Road and Jervois Road - Road Network
Consultation has concluded

In the adoption of the 2017/18 Annual Business Plan and Budget, Council included a project for $10,000 to investigate the Jervois, Willson and Martin Road network.
Tonkin Consulting was engaged by Council to undertake a road safety audit of traffic conditions along Jervois Road, Willson Drive and Martin Road, Yankalilla.
The Tonkin report has now been completed and the report is provided for your in the document library.
Following the engagement of Tonkin Consulting, a petition from Mr Richard Fairweather, Martin Road, containing 108 signatures was received 20 July 2018.
The heading of the supplied petition was:
“Petition to Yankalilla Council for sealing of Willson Drv between Bower Rd and Martin Rd and sealing of Martin Rd”.
The petition states the ‘Action petitioned for’:
“For the health and safety of residents, that live on and users of these roads who live in Yankalilla and Normanville and the many tourists that use these roads”
The head petitioner stated in his covering letter:
“This petition indicates the concerns individuals have not only towards the safety, general state of the roads but importantly the health issues that arise from severe dust generated in the dry months”
“We do ask that Council give due regards to these issues and seriously consider bringing forward the bituminising or at least in the short term a more durable road surface so the issues mentioned will be rectified”
It is noted the Tonkin Report, commenced prior to the petition, does not address all the concerns of the petition.
At the Council meeting 18 December 2018, Council resolved:
- That following the July petition from 108 people, that the Council conduct meetings as required with the petitioners and others interested, to listen to their concerns about Jervois, Willson and Martin roads.
- That Council immediately writes to all residents on Jervois, Willson and Martin roads and to all signatories on the petition where a full address was detailed, providing them with the Tonkin’s report and inviting them to an initial public meeting to be conducted by Councillor Trigg and assisted by the Chief Executive.
- That Council provide a day time and evening public meeting and that it be advertised in the February 2019 In the Loop and on Community noticeboards, shopping centres and post office.
Council are inviting you to either a day time or evening public meeting to listen to your concerns regarding to road network.
The scheduled meetings will be held at the Council Chambers, 1 Charles Street, Yankalilla at the following dates and times:
Friday 1 February 2019 – 1:00pm
Friday 1 February 2019 – 6:30pm