Normanville SLSC & Café/Kiosk Redevelopment

Normanville foreshore transformation: Celebrating the completion of the Surf Life Saving Club & Aqua Blue Café/Kiosk
The District Council of Yankalilla is delighted to announce the successful completion of the Normanville Surf Life Saving Club & Aqua Blue Café/Kiosk, marking a significant milestone for the community. The fantastic new facilities symbolise a commitment to enhancing beach safety and recreational amenities at the iconic Normanville Foreshore.
The Normanville SLSC plays a pivotal role in ensuring the safety of beachgoers, with dedicated lifeguards and state-of-the-art equipment. In addition, the Aqua Blue Café/Kiosk not only adds a charming addition to the coastal landscape but also provides a welcoming space for locals and visitors to relax and enjoy the beach atmosphere.
The Council is thrilled to present this fantastic addition to our community and could not have done it without the support of our project partners - Partek Construction & Interiors, Architects Inc., Bestec, Wallbridge Gilbert Aztec (WGA), Rider Levett Bucknall (RLB), and Buildsurv who worked tirelessly under the guidance of our Project Manager John Kantilaftis. Thank you to our funding partners - SafeCom (State Gov), Surf Life Saving SA and Normanville SLSC. The combined contributions have resulted not only in a safer community but also in the overall well-being and enjoyment of this picturesque coastal area.
Design and Development
The District Council of Yankalilla worked in partnership with Normanville Surf Life Saving Club to confirm the design elements required for the rebuild of the Clubrooms and the adjoining Café/Kiosk.
These works were part of the broader Normanville Foreshore Masterplan and Jetty Caravan Park Masterplan which covers three main project components:
- New Cabins within the Jetty Caravan Park
- Combined Rebuild Surf Club Café/Kiosk
- Normanville Foreshore upgrade works.
Detailed information regarding the Masterplan can be found under Key Documents.
- Architects Ink completed the overall design of the combined facilities.
- Surf Lifesaving SA has been appointed to Project Manage construction of the combined facilities.
- Partek Construction & Interiors has been contracted to construct the facilities.
Design Principles
Functional and Fit for Purpose
- A fit-for-purpose building to suit the needs of the SLSC, Cafe/Kiosk leasee and the broader community.
Robust in Nature
- Built to withstand severe coastal conditions.
- Low maintenance and energy efficiency.
Integrated with Site
- An integrated part of the Normanville Foreshore Masterplan.
- Connected and welcoming to the public.
Viable in the Long Term
- SLSC & Cafe/Kiosk design developed alongside a robust business case.
- Costs within budget and ongoing costs sustainable.
The above image is an excerpt from Statement of Requirements KeyDocuments