What are the Key Strategies for this project?

    Key Strategies

    1. Built form located entirely outside of the heritage dune area.
    2. Considered as part of the broader Normanville Foreshore Masterplan.
    3. Fully integrated with the adjacent public realm and new plaza.
    4. Advantage taken of Northern aspects and views to South, West and NorthWest.
    5. Service Yard to be screened from the public realm.  No outside storage, including refuse.
    6. User safety is paramount with pedestrian routes protected from vehicle movement.

    What elements are in the draft plan?

    There are many elements to the draft Masterplan including Carparking, Green Space (lawns), combined new rebuild of Surf Club and Café/ Kiosk, Tennis Club, Caravan Park entrance, Dunes, Beach Interface, Jetty and Caravan Park upgrades.  We encourage you to read the  Draft Normanville Foreshore Masterplan Council Report 14.12.20 (37.7 MB) (pdf) or view just the  Draft Normanville Foreshore Masterplan (6.38 MB) (pdf) document.

    What does the rebuild budget cover and who pays for what?

    What does the rebuild budget cover, and who pays for what?

    • Council is contributing $1,452,000 of the Surf Club rebuild costs. 
    • Council pays for 100% of the Kiosk/Café rebuild costs - $1,987,217
    • Council pays for 100% of the cost to build rear entry / turning circle / public toilets - $295,470


    Surf Lifesaving Club facilities (SLSC)

    • Council - $1,452,000
    • SAFECOM (Grant) - $2,319,000
    • Normanville SLSC - $455,400

    TOTAL = $4,226,400


    • Council - $1,987,217

    TOTAL = $1,987,217

    TOTAL SLSC & Café/Kiosk = $6,213,617

    Rear entry / turning circle / public toilets

    • Council $295,470

    TOTAL = $295,470

    GRAND TOTAL = $6,509,087


    • Council pays 33% of Project Management, Architects, Cost Consultant, Engineers and Survey fees towards the Surf Club component of the combined rebuild and 100% towards the Kiosk/Café. 
    • Council is paying Surf Lifesaving SA to Project Manage the rebuild of the Kiosk/Café component.
    • The rebuild budget covers the footprint of the building and service area. 
      • The ramp out the front comes out of the Foreshore budget 
      • The plaza comes from the Foreshore budget, stopping at the footprint (under the balcony) where, for example, the same pavers will be laid under the rebuild budget.
    • The fit-out costs of the Kiosk/Café leaseholder’s responsibility. 
    • The fit-out costs of the Surf Club come out of the rebuild budget.
    • The landscaping outside of the building footprint comes from the Foreshore budget.

    Is the plan just based on what Council wants?

    No, the draft Normanville Foreshore and Jetty Caravan Park Masterplan for consultation has been developed based on feedback received during our Strategic Planning consultation ‘Nature’s Best, Let’s Plan The Rest’ which included feedback from each township community forum and the Normanville Foreshore SpeakOut event. The feedback from these meetings can be found on yoursayyankalilla.com.au. 

    Additional contributions to the Masterplan were provided at the Elected Member Forums in November and December 2020. 

    The Normanville Tennis Club was consulted on an early plan to remove two tennis courts, their feedback resulted in an adjustment to the plan to retain four courts on the foreshore and to adjust them to a new location that will provide for new surfacing.